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Why Amun Capital Finance?

We believe that digital currencies will revolutionize our legacy economic, political, and social systems. With that transformation comes a meaningful generational shift in how institutions and individuals approach investing. That’s where Amun Capital Finance Investments comes in.

What We Offer to Clients

Both single-asset and diversified digital currency investment products in a structure similar to other traditional securities

The ability to invest through tax-advantaged accounts, such as IRA or Roth IRAs

SEC-reporting products accessible through brokerage accounts

Diversification into digital assets without buying, storing, or securing crypto directly

Common Questions from Financial Advisors

Our Investor Relations team answers frequent questions from financial advisors on Amun Capital Finance, our products, and digital currencies in general.

What can Bitcoin do for your portfolio?

Want to Know More About a Specific Topic?

Our goal is to educate financial advisors, RIAs and their clients on cryptocurrency and Amun Capital Finance products. We hope to deepen relationships with investment advisors to be their go-to contact on all things crypto.

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Knowledge Center

Holding Steady: The Rise of Stablecoins

In 1976, economist Friedrich Hayek wrote a paper titled “The Denationalization of Money,” where he argued that allowing private currencies to compete with each other would create a more stable monetary system. Hayek reasoned that, unlike technology, the organic evolution of money was interrupted by the emergence of government-controlled currencies, and that government intervention in the system has led to instability and inflation. Hayek imagined a world with a competitive market for private currencies, each backed by a variety of assets; a world where the value of each currency would be determined by supply and demand rather than the decisions of various sovereign entities.
Fundamental Value in Crypto Part III: dApp Ecosystems

Fundamental Value in Crypto Part III: dApp Ecosystems

In this part of our Tokenomics series, learn about how the more successful dApp models operate under the hood and possible crypto token valuations tied to these ecosystems.

Fundamental Value in Crypto Part II: Valuing Smart Contract Platforms

Smart contract platforms (SCPs) like Ethereum (ETH) are often referred to as distributed computers, whereas payment cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin – discussed in part one of our series – are simpler distributed ledgers. In this piece, we’ll break down the unique characteristics of smart contract platforms, discuss how their native tokens vary from traditional payment cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and propose a valuation framework by examining supply and demand factors.

Fundamental Value in Crypto

A proposed framework for how to value crypto assets that encompasses correlations, supply issuance, competitor analysis, network effects, and security/decentralization checks

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Example Topics

Understanding blockchain

Bitcoin fundamentals

How to invest

How do digital currencies affect retirement

How are shares safeguarded

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